We are on a mission to end DIPG
We are a small, but growing foundation on a mission to end DIPG. We plan to do this by raising money to fund research into finding a cure for DIPG, raising awareness of DIPG, and supporting families who currently have loved ones fighting DIPG. However, we cannot achieve our mission alone. We need your help. Keep reading below to learn more about DIPG and how you can get involved.
What is DIPG?
DIPG stands for Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma. It is a type of pediatric brain tumor that grows from the glial cells of the pons (brain stem). It is not a hard mass tumor, but instead intertwines itself into the healthy tissue around it which makes it impossible to remove via surgery.
Our Organization
Find out about our mission and the inspiration behind our foundation.
Take Action
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